

"The weatherforecast for London and the surrounding counties this weekend will be rain with some more rain of a more torrential patter for good measure"

How is it that tourists from all around the world know more about our weather patterns than we do? How can it be possible that even the little China man, here in the Capital of the UK on business, knows to pack a brolley in his little black briefcase 'just in case'.
Maybe we are truly a nation of optimists. Look at these two. Nice cotton canvas plimsolls, cotton denim jeans and lightweight cotton fibre jackets. "Who didn't look out of the window before they left home this morning?!!". Just aswell they managed to rake a big'ol high gloss paper bag out of a nearby trashcan and romantically asemble a makeshift His'n'Hers rain shield. The Lord does work in myserious ways.


Blogger Benedict said...

thankyou for our bag!

love from ben & thalia

8:46 PM  

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