Biz Markie?! Is That You Homeboy?
Yep, back on home turf, I StyleSniped this guy a little while back. I 've seen him since, Burberry wellies and all, no lie! He's been quite the celebrity steet styler of late. Rather popular on Flickr don't you know!! Anyway, he's a proper dude. I haven't seen anyone with such a knack for hurting on peoples eyes for some time. This guy makes mere mortals squint and wince like tortured puppies, and it's all down to a sequined fanny pack, or 'bumbag' if you grew up in the UK. This here is a true example of 'mash-up'. True style-clashing in an unrelenting fashion, that just shouts "Up Yours! You try Pigeon-hole me now, BYATCH!". Nuff said.
Labels: biz markie, daffy, mash up, street style, style clash, stylesniper